Dawngate Post-Game: Kel Tactician

[youtube link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vefTjy89L4″ width=”590″ height=”590″]The Good, The Bad, The Plays

In this game we play Kel, a highly mobile and versatile tank/bruiser shaper. While standard practice would deem that you would build tanky with items like Rebirth, Glory, and Unity, we decide to go ahead with a bit of hybrid build that will allow us to be a damage dealing threat while also peeling for our carries so they don’t get blown up. We start with our basic health and two potion start like any good tank and head out to lane.

Ok so let’s break this down in chronological order of what went well and what went wrong. These are personal opinions of what could have done better and what went well enough to highlight. It does not cover all the mistakes made or all the good plays and pages could be written about the game if one wanted to look deeper but these are the major highlights.

The first time stamp where we made what I consider the first big mistake is around the thirteen minute marker. The King of Masks decides to dash in and harass Vex. He makes a bit of a mistake and gets in range of the tower and pulls its aggro. While it may not have resulted in a kill, using our ultimate to lock him down under tower would have forced out either a spell from the King of Masks to escape or he may have been killed.

The next mistake was at 13:35 when Viyana decided to use her ult on Vex. Here we needed a quicker reaction to the ult as it is a channel ult so getting in range with our E spell would have knocked her up and saved a lot of damage on the Vex. Instead, we use our W spell and it let the ultimate channel fully causing Vex to lose a lot of health.

Strike three comes around 16:30. It might not appear to be a huge mistake here, but a bit of map presence may have saved the Petrus by distracting the enemy team. As Kel is quite mobile as well, it would have been nothing for us to jump in, knock the enemy shapers up in the air for a moment, slow them, and then jump right back out.

The next couple of time stamps at 17:24 and 18 are just some moments when we turned and picked up a kill. The first kill we turned on the Varion who had been running the top lane down getting a lot of kills which meant some good vim for us on the kill as well as experience. The second kill was just another good combo of skills involving jumping in, slowing, stunning, and cranking out dps.

So final thoughts on the match? It could have been better but it wasn’t bad. There were times that we could have saved a lot of damage on our teammates if we had knocked an enemy into the air or used our ult. We did get some kills which is always good but it is hard to out carry a true blooded carry as a bruiser. Opening up opportunities for our carries would have been a bit better. Also, roaming with Kel probably would have been a bit beneficial to our team in getting some kills earlier on.

You can watch Dawngate live every Thursday night starting at 10pm EST over at NoobistTV.