Roundup: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain at Gamescom

Gamescom played host to an exclusive closer look at Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Hideo Kojima himself was on stage, showing all new gameplay mechanics and footage, as well as answering questions  from fans and press alike.

Possibly the biggest news from the event was that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain will be coming to PC, shown off comically using a Steam-logo box.

The event showcased another run through of the Afghanistan level shown in the first trailer released at E3 last year, but this time played very differently, and with a few more snippets of plot thrown in. Kaz has been captured for ten days at this point in the game, carried into Soviet-MGSV Gamescom 1controlled soil. Big Boss’ mission is to learn of his current location.

There was a focus on showing more of the television-inspired cinematography, with a lot of focus on small items and conversations over grand shots of the surrounding location.

Just enough was shown of the character interaction to keep fans interested, especially when Ocelot handed Big Boss a pair of aviators, commenting that Kaz  would “be missing them, and you’re his only hope of getting them back.”

Some mechanics shown were a good nod to the funnier side of the Metal Gear Solid series. Players will be able to make their horse poop on command. Yes. This is a feature, one that was shown to have an actual purpose. The poop forced an enemy jeep to spin out of control, giving the player control of the situation.

Fulton Recovery of a goat was also shown, equaling as a demonstration of the wildlife variation. Wolves were also introduced as one of the possible hostile animal threats you will encounter through the game.

In order to provide for the best time to take certain actions, the Phantom Cigar was shown. This item will allow players to pass a set amount of time, accompanied by music. Box-based stealth was shown off again, with yesterday’s footage replayed for those who had missed Sony’s presentation.

MGSV Gamescom 3The strengths of the new FOX Engine were at the forefront of the show, demonstrating how the enemy AI had adapted and learnt from the player’s behavior in previous missions.

The E3 trailer had shown how someone could use the tranquilizer gun to take down enemies, making passage easier through some areas of the map. The AI will apparently adapt to these repeated strategies by changing their own, donning helmets in this case.

Not only that, but the same mission will have no two identical runs, as enemy, animal and arsenal movements and placement will differ every playthrough  Players will also be able to confiscate vehicles, and other resources, from enemies via Fulton Recovery.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be coming to Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

Previously: What’s in the box?! Metal Gear Solid V Unveils New Box Mechanics