Dawngate Post-Game: Raina Tactician…carry?

[youtube link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz9zhmyqBdQ” width=”590″ height=”590″]
The Good, The Bad, The…carries?

Ok guys. This week we take a break from the seriousness of DG and commentary to take a look at a bit more of a fun game. Up until now we have been playing our roles dutifully, but what would happen if we took a tank for instance, and turned it into man mode carry role?

Enter Raina, the super badass carry 🙂

Now I know some of you are thinking that I’m doing this just to troll you and in a sense that’s what this game was. Let’s break down the facts here. Firstly, our jungler did not take buffs early on or the pigs like a normal jungler would have. While I’m all for breaking the meta, the buffs and money pigs really are key to a jungler getting some levels and vim. Secondly, the enemy jungler isn’t present. With this current map design, it is highly inefficient. The third point to note here is that without an enemy jungler, our jungler should be getting lots of vim and xp for having free reign of the jungle.

So how does the game go you might ask? Raina carries hard of course. There are a number of mechanics that as a tank we failed horribly in accomplishing but as a carry we did well. For instance, on our first kill of the game, we use our hammer to secure a kill for ourselves. Normally we would want to use our hammer to set up a kill for our carry, but we are the carry so why not use it for a kill for ourselves?

The next important thing to note about this carry Raina is the build. While we did decide to go for a carry like role, our build is a bit more bruiser-ish in that we grab some armor and other items to help with our defenses since we really don’t scale well with power. After all, Raina was designed as a tank, not a carry.

What’s the final judgement on carry Raina you ask? She doesn’t carry at all in actuality. Had this been a real match, we would have been obliterated on the front line trying to tank for our team with this build but because of the hysteria that this match was able to reach, we carried well enough. Moral of the story, in games like this, have fun with a build you wouldn’t usually try because if you get angry about matches like these, you won’t make it forty. Good luck with carrying with the tanks in the new meta.

You can watch Dawngate live every Thursday night starting at 10pm EST over at NoobistTV.