Dawngate Post-Game: Renzo Tactician

[youtube link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFH0BwbA5o” width=”590″ height=”590″]
The Good, The Bad, The Plays:

Hello everyone. This week’s video comes on the magnificent back of Renzo. This is another one of those shapers I don’t usually play much despite him having a powerful kit, but we give it a shot to show how it may play out. Let’s take a look at how the match goes.

Alright first things first, the lane match up. In our lane there is a Mikella on each side with a Raina on the enemy team and us, being Renzo, on our side. Both Mikellas ran gladiator as well which means that if they don’t get to farm they will fall behind. When it comes to Raina vs. Renzo, I put Raina at a slight more of an advantage due to her innate ability to tank damage as well as her ability to poke harder in lane with her shockwave spell.

Normally we talk specific time stamps about good plays and bad plays but this time we are going to go over a kind of broad look at Renzo as we’ve played some more games since this one to practice.

First, be aggressive. As Renzo we have a stun and shield we can spam. On top of that, our shield heals at a minimum of three attacks if you are hitting a shaper each of the three times. You should always be in peoples’ faces and harassing the enemy carry in lane. This is something we did a poor job of during our game and as a result, it allowed for the Mikella on the other team to get some space to farm.

Secondly, Unity + Glory = a very strong mustache. Being the tanky front line that Renzo is supposed to be, we made a mistake in not rushing a unity for the first item. We focused very much on mitigating the damage we would take instead of getting some items that would help the team out. A unity probably would have made a huge difference in this game.

Finally, stick with your carry. There were times that we left Mikella alone to go clear a lane or do something like that and it really isn’t a good idea because Renzo isn’t a dueling support like Raina can be. His kits lends him to supporting a carry fully with shields, stuns, and knock ups. We needed to utilize this better to ensure our carry snowballed a bit harder.

Final thoughts, future Renzo games will be better from what we have learned from this game. In fact, since writing this post game review our Renzo game has improved ten fold with a number of wins under our belt. Unfortunately, this was still a bit of a learning game so it wasn’t a top performance worthy of Renzo.

You can watch Dawngate live every Thursday night starting at 10pm EST over at NoobistTV.