Twitch to host Town Hall at PAX Prime

Fresh from being purchased by online retail giant, Amazon, Twitch will host a “Twitch Town Hall” panel at 4:00pm PST on the first day of PAX Prime.  The one hour event will be held at the Hedgehog Theatre.  If you didn’t get your voice heard during Twitch CEO Emmett Sheer’s reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, here is another shot at fielding any questions or concerns towards the newly minted subsidiary of Amazon.  Unlike the AMA session, Twitch’s community representatives in Director of Community & Education, Marcus “DJ Wheat” Graham, Community Manager Jordan “SomaJT” Taylor, and PR Director, Chase, will heed the call.  If you cannot make it to Seattle, the Town Hall session will be live streamed.  Questions and concerns from the live chat will also be taken under consideration during the event.

Prior to the Amazon buyout, Twitch caused an uproar amongst their community by utilizing software that muted any unlicensed music within a user’s VoD (Video On Demand).  This caused many to believe that a buyout from Google was imminent.  Some users left the service in favor for it’s competitors while others waded through the storm.  During the aforementioned reddit Ask Me Anything session, Emmett Sheer issued an apology and vowed that sweeping changes to the service would be better communicated in the future.  The Town Hall event at PAX Prime is the first step towards the transparency with the community.