Mark Ruffalo Says Marvel is Considering New Hulk Movie

In interviews for The Avengers two years ago, Kevin Feige alluded to the fact that there might be a new hulk movie movie, but warned that if there were to be another Hulk movie for star Mark Ruffalo, it wouldn’t be until after The Avengers 2. Skip forward to present and Ruffalo says it’s now actually under “consideration.”

“I think they are, for the first time, entertaining the idea of it. When we did The Avengers it was basically ‘No!’, and now there is some consideration for it. But there’s still nothing definitive, not even a skeletal version of what it would be. I look forward to going down that road, if we could crack that nut.”

Let’s hope that a competent director and Mark Ruffalo can bring the noise, as the last two Hulk film were just dismal.

There were rumors after The Avengers, that we could see Hulk lose control in Age of Ultron and it would force the heroes of Earth to send him off-planet, leading to an adaptation of Planet Hulk and World War Hulk. Feige expressed interest (so too did Ruffalo) in those properties and it would be a neat way to do something new and different with the character, perhaps even making it more bankable by tying it into Guardians of the Galaxy or some other property.

Would you like to see a new Hulk-centric live-action adventure or should Marvel Studios focus on introducing more new characters and/or teams?