Movie Review: Frequencies

Think about the movies like; Divergent or The Matrix – where people are told by society where they belong. Would that make life easier or would it make it oppressive?

The movie, Frequenices – OXV: The Manual is very similar to this way of thinking however, it’s not as clearly labeled as Divergent or The Matrix. In this movie, children are assessed at a young age as to what “frequency” they emit. Some are low, medium, and high. Depending on what frequency level they are at determines what caste they can be social with however, there are just some people who don’t learn.

The two main leads in this movie, Isaac-Newton Midgeley (Zak for short) is a low frequency emitter and has fallen for a girl named Marie-Curie Fortune who is a high frequency emitter. Their society has found that if these two polar opposites are in physical range of each other for a minute or longer, bad things will happen to the low frequency emitter. For instance, at one of their meetings, a plane was passing overhead and luggage fell from it and almost hit Zak in the head.

frequencies Noobist

Being a low frequency emitter does not mean that Zak is an idiot. No, in fact he’s very smart however, it just means he’s not as lucky, attractive, or logical as the high frequency emitters. For most of Zak’s life, he’s been searching for a way to be with Marie and his journey not only makes his life complicated but it makes everyone else’s life complicated; especially when the government gets involved.

In the end, the answer is in sound and Zak figures it all out.

This sort of thinking is quite in line with the whole idea on auras and astrological way of thinking; believing that people are meant or not meant to be together based on something they can’t see or truly quantify.

I definitely enjoyed this movie, it makes you wonder if there is a greater force at large that controls who enters and leaves our lives or if we truly are the ones who make that decision.

In any case, it’s a good movie and one that could bring a deep discussion about with whomever you speak about it with.

Happy watching!