Review: Scarlet

Like Fight Club? Hate corrupt police officers? I’ve got a comic for you.

Scarlet tells the story of a young woman named well, Scarlet. She resides in Portland Oregon and spends her time with her boyfriend and their two best friends. On one unfortunate day, a crooked cop with a drug habit decides to harass said boyfriend, claiming he is in possession of drugs. After noticing the officer getting particularly handsy with Scarlet, her boyfriend proceeds to punch him in the face. After a short chase, his life is brought to an abrupt end with a bullet to the head. After seeing her loved one smeared by the media, and his murderer promoted and rewarded, Scarlet takes the law into her own hands.


The story is told in similar fashion to Fight Club, with the main character narrating every event, and at times, breaking the fourth wall to make statements that would  bring a smirk to Tyler Durdens face. There aren’t many twists and turns to be found here, but an idealistic tale about a young woman who starts a movement. Protesters rally around Scarlet, protecting her and applauding her actions.


The art style of Scarlet is gritty and colorful, just like its main character. Every scene complements the narrative.

Scarlet herself is loveable and someone you can really root for, even if you question her methods. She never tries to be a leader of a revolution, yet her role comes about in an organic way that never feels forced. With the intimate fourth wall breaking moments, Scarlet sends a message that you can actually get behind. Her actions escalate with each issue, keeping readers wondering what she can get away with next. Don’t miss out on this one!