You’ve just woken up; chained from the ceiling. Your legs dangling and your vision is finally clearing. The only thing that you need is water – and half a bottle is sitting just out of reach. In the immortal words of Dennis Hopper in the film, Speed “What do you do?” but the ultimate question is why?

Welcome to Missing. You’re playing a character that has taken his life and the people in it for granted. It was quite clear from going through the episode that it wasn’t intentional. His struggle, your struggle to survive and get out of where ever you and he are is absolutely paramount.
The actor playing this role has made it clear that he loves his life, his family and there’s absolutely nothing (other than death) that will prevent him from being with them again.
It was like playing the X-Files, Playstation One game from 1999; it was an interactive episode with actual original clips. It reminds me of the film, Saw – where it was about punishment and surviving rather than just death and gore.
You also get to play a detective for a brief moment in the episode which shows that this is bigger than just this one guy with his life and his punishment; it’s been happening to quite a few people; enough for the police to get involved.
This is a definite throwback to the late 90s/early 2000 games that I enjoyed playing more than once. The puzzles are really good; not too difficult but not too easy either. You need a good eye to spot where things are and a decent amount of common sense. His frustration is your frustration and you can definitely feel it in the game-play.
Yes it’s quite a linear game which a lot of us aren’t really used to anymore (we like a bit of variety) however, it’s simple and enjoyable. Perhaps a little too short for my taste but it’s good and I can’t wait for the other episodes to come out so I can continue to unravel this serial vigilante trying to set certain people back on the path of not taking their life for granted.
I definitely recommend this game series for everyone. Yes, it’s for a mature audience however the puzzles and the story-line is fabulous.
Now to tell you about the specifics. This beautiful game is from Zandel Media; a small independent games company from Montreal, Canada in 2011. This game is available on iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and Steam (PC). It’s not an expensive game – like it’s episode its short and sweet – all platforms less than $6.00 USD.