With Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice coming out and everyone getting excited to see the two big guys fight it out. I thought I’d remind everyone that Aquaman will be in this movie. I know what you’re thinking, how on earth can that title possibly be true? He can breathe underwater and talks to fish and that’s about all he’s good for right? Wrong! Here are a couple of reasons that should hopefully help you to see the error of your waya, Aquaman is the Greatest!
Talks to fish and ride giant seahorses
Yes he can talk to fish, (with his mind) and had he been in the Jaws movies, the shark would have packed it in. Did you know he also rides about on a giant seahorse, solving all the seas problems? He helps with issues such as fish getting affected by oil spills or fishermen preying on whales too much. Sharks aren’t the deadliest of the creatures Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman, can talk to! No! In fact, not only can our ruler of the sea talk to the great whites and giant squids, but he can also talk to the kraken, and has actually set it on people in battle before. One such example, in the Injustice Gods Among Us comics where Superman demands to rule over the ocean because he’s gone crazy. Due to the large portion of the sea being unknown to regular humans, Aquaman is often able to turn up with sea beasties time forgot, or never really discovered at all.

Summoning sea creatures
Not only can this guy talk to the animals, but he can also summon them. That’s right! You read that correctly, he could be on dry land in the middle of a desert, and can summon anything from a tiny seahorse to a killer whale. He uses this to his advantage many times, especially mid fight. One example of this being during a fight where he saves the day by summoning an army of sharks to brutally eat up most of the opposing side, when asked what he could do by Green Lantern in Justice League.

Harpoon and trident
Everyone knows of Aquaman’s iconic trident, but I bet a lot of you didn’t know that at one point in his life, he ended up getting his hand chopped off and replaced it with a harpoon. For the most part it’s stationary, but (and this might possibly be a bigger one than Nightwing’s oh so famous one) the harpoon is actually usable like a real harpoon. He has his own personal grappling hook and a pretty good long range weapon even if he’s in the ocean which he can use to shoot at things or people.

In Blackest Night by Geoff Johns, we see an all new side to our cape-less crusader. He dons a ring of the Lantern Corps, and becomes a zombie worthy enough of joining the Black Lantern Corps. Even as an undead corpse, he still commands the respect of the entire ocean, as well as being able to raise the dead within it too. He has a position of high power within the corps and should not be messed with.

Deep and traumatic background
His wife is a superhero and queen of the sea, but we won’t be discussing her. What I do think you should know about is how Arthur and Mera once had a child together that they lost. He’s had to deal with a lot, so don’t bother thinking that fish and swimming are all Aquaman cares about. Just like Batman, he’s adopted a few children of his own. One such child is villain Black Manta’s son, Kaldur’ahm, and making him Aqualad.

Water, Water, everywhere!
Finally we’re onto my last point about why Aquaman is the greatest, and it all comes down to the simplest thing, water. Most people believe that Aquaman can only use his powers in water or near water, but the truth is, he can create water. Everything contains water, from rocks and plants, all the way up to humans. They all contain liquids with water as the key component. He can create a wave in the middle of a street with the wave of his hand or he could take the water from a persons sweat and make it drinkable.

Water can be evil
If Aquaman were to ever become a super villain, or a serial killer, he could take all the water in a persons body and send it to their lungs, effectively drowning them and no one would ever know. Superheroes like Batman have water in them, Superman and Wonder Woman probably do too. Be thankful he’s not a villain, because no superhero would stand a chance.
This is why I feel that Aquaman is the the greatest, so I am hoping that others will stop seeing him useless. I hope you enjoyed the read, please feel free to comment with your opinion and favorite Aquaman tales!