The new season of Game of Thrones is so close I can almost smell the sadness, so today we will take a look back at (almost) every single character involved in some meaningful way going into season 6, to act first as a recap and then predict their motives and direction. Look back at this in 3 months to see how hilariously wrong 90 percent of them are!
-> Spoiler Free. All future discussion is prediction purely. Nothing book related. Arya left out for that reason.
The Wall: 
Jon Snow/Kit Harington:
Last seen stabbed to death by Olly and his other Night’s Watch brethren.
Confirmed dead on a slab in multiple trailers. He will return and lead the Stark loyalists against the Boltons to make the North a bastion against the army of the dead. Mel will finally get her first rez in episode 3, titled Oathbreaker where Jon will return as a Stark.
Sam Tarly/John Bradley:
Last seen heading to Oldtown before Jon gets betrayed.
Confirmed in a boat with his new girlfrend. He will have some interaction with his estranged family, although I can’t devise how. Horn Hill isn’t that far from Oldtown, but not en-route by boat. Likely some plot detour. Season 6 has introduced his entire family if you aren’t aware!
Melisandre/Carice Van Houten:
Last seen arriving at the wall.
Will rez Jon in exchange for her own life.
Ser Davos/Liam Cunningham:
Last seen at the Wall.
Confirmed mounted with the Starks, and travel to Bear Island among other places to recruit for their army. I can see Season 6 being his last.
Allister Thorne/Owen Teale:
Last seen stabbing Jonny boy to death.
Confirmed leading men to take Jon’s body by force and burn it. Will die by fighting Ser Davos, with Ghost dealing the final blow.
Olly/Brenock O’Connor:
Last seen ruining his popular opinion.
Will die. If I have to kill him myself.
Dolorous Edd/Ben Crompton:
Absent from the Jon circumstance. Last seen with the wildlings at the wall.
Will ascend to Lord Commander now that Pyp and Grenn are dead, and Sam is gone.
Gilly/Hannah Murray:
Last seen leaving for Oldtown with Sammy.
Pregnant with Sam’s child. Will die in child birth thanks to Sam’s brother Dickon.
Tormund/Kristofe Hivju:
Last seen surviving the fight with the dead.
Will die for the Northern cause.
The North: 
Ramsay Bolton/Iwan Rheon:
Last seen finishing off Stannis’s army.
Will lose to Jon in single combat, attempt to surrender trick him, and Jon will slay him. Or crushed by giant.
Roose Bolton/Michael McElhatton:
Last seen at Winterfell.
Will leave Winterfell to attend the Frey wedding and avoid the fight, which he will disagree with Ramsay’s decision on. On the fence if he dies or is also an engineer of the deal with Walder/Baelish.
Sansa Stark/Sophie Turner:
Last seen leap of faith mode.
Will head to Karhold to find Rickon and Last Hearth to enlist the Smalljon into her rally.
Petyr Baelish/Aidan Gillen:
Last seen discussing Vale and Crown tactics.
Will engineer the Frey triple cross and make a play to marry Sansa once Ramsay is dead.
Theon Greyjoy/Alfie Allen:
Last seen casting Spook on him and Sansa.
Will return to the Iron Islands after a while with Sansa. The events there are one of the plots that are in the book, but Theon is not included in them.
The Last Greenseer Storyline:
Bran/Isaac Hempstead Wright:
Last seen 6 years ago.
Did some off screen training. Visions will lead Bran to realize the truth about The Three Eyed Raven. Read below.
Meera Reed/Ellie Kendrick:
Last seen watching her brother get blown up.
Will find Benjen Stark and work towards Bran’s goals.
The Three Eyed Raven/Max Von Sydow:
Last seen as a different actor.
Will reveal his true identity after a series of flashbacks, including of the Mad King’s death and events. Will eventually reveal himself to be chaotic good – working against both the realms of men and the White Walkers. Will die to Bran and his party when they realize this. No way he’s surviving season 6. Max is too big of an actor.
The Riverlands: 
Walder Frey/David Bradley:
Will take another wife, last seen not caring about his previous.
Will triple cross the Bolton/Lannisters. As seen in trailer, red wedding 2.0 engineered by the same person who engineered the first one… PETYR BAELISH
Brynden Blackfish Tully/Clive Russel:
Last seen fleeing the Red Wedding 1.0.
Protected Riverrun, now will organize a play with Baelish to secure his lands.
The Crown Storylines:
Jaime Lannister/Nikolaj Coster-Waldau:
Last seen sailing with his dead daughter.
Will return to his old ways, attempting to right the Lannister ship by commanding the seige at Riverrun. Will die at the Red Wedding 2.0 after attempting to ensure alliances with the Tyrells and Freys.
Cersei Lannister/Lena Headey:
Last seen naked (body double jk)
Will use her new zombie Robert Strong to push back at the religious tensions and Dornish betrayal. Will be challenged to Trial by Combat at the end of Season 6.
The High Sparrow/Jonathan Price:
Last seen seeing Lena’s body double naked.
Will condemn Margery, respond to the Tyrell advance and will offer up a resurrected Sandor Clegane (long story) as his champion in the Trial by Combat against Cersei.
Brienne/Gwendoline Christie:
Last seen killing Stannis.
Return to Jaime’s company at Riverrun. Will contribute to “Oathbreaker” episode 3 events by pursuing her own interests instead of her duty.
Podrick Payne/Daniel Portman:
Last seen discovering the Dragonstone Army.
Seen being grabbed by Bronn in a trailer clip. Could mean he’s at the Frey wedding, or for some reason is being separated from Brienne. Can’t find a prediction here other than him or her dying, which I can’t see.
Trystane Martell/Toby Sebastian:
Last seen on a ship with the dying Myrcella.
Will be executed by Cersei and Robert Strong while taking the false blame for Myrcella’s death, igniting proper war.
Assuming not much will happen outside of the kids still in prison and Mace leading an army to free them as seen in the trailer. At most, Loras fights for their freedom in Trial by Combat, but I can’t see it.
Essos Storylines:
Daenerys Targaryen:
Last seen captured by a new Khal, expected to be Jhaqo.
Will be forced to wed Jhaqo, in which she will feel helpless. Eventually her dragons will save her and she will gain the now reunited Khalasar as part of her army. HOPEFULLY will start playing towards the war of Ice and Fire in Season 6. If she doesn’t I’m going to be really disappointed. Might be another year still though.
Jorah Mormont/Iain Glen:
Last seen chasing after his love with another man who also loves her. What could go wrong!?
Reckless now that he has greyscale, and will do anything to rescue Dany who doesn’t end up needing their help. I’m calling them both dying in the process.
Tyrion Lannister/Warwick Davis:
Last seen drinking and knowing things.
Will drink more and know more. And let the dragons out that will eventually destroy the city and help Dany. HOPEFULLY will also contribute towards getting Dany back to Westeros.
Varys/Conleth Hill:
Last seen randomly appearing in Meereen in the middle of a massive political upheaval…
Will be revealed to be the “harpy.” Continues to organize the unrest to force Dany out of the Slave cities and back to where she belongs – The war of Ice and Fire!
I just have this weird feeling.
My prediction is that she has a twin that was with Tywin the whole time. He had the real Shae go with Tyrion to keep watch on him, but she actually loved him. Tyrion killed the twin, and the real Shae will show up at Meereen with help from the Spider.
Everyone else:
I can’t decide if Grey Worm and everyone else has a part to play. What do you think? I personally would like to see Dany and Tyrion just go to Westeros and everyone else get left behind. I’m ready for the end game tbh.
That’s every character (that was in a previous season) that doesn’t already have a predestined role like Arya’s book story for season 6. Anyone not included, I simply don’t feel will impact the over all story.
To me, the flash backs and situation in the North will be the main plots, along with Dany’s struggles. I expect Max Von Sydow to be the best part of season 6 though. They don’t get top actors like that if they aren’t going to be incredibly important and short lived.
I look forward to the final episodes leading towards the Wall coming down and a proper invasion of the North by the White Walkers and the army of the dead.
Feel free to leave your opinions or months from now laugh at these predictions!