I’ve been waiting for Dragon Age: Inquisition for a long time. When I finally got my hands on the demo, I was ready for it. I imported my Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II world states using Dragon Age Keep, Bioware’s unique importing tool that allows newcomers and veterans to the series edit their own Dragon Age stories. The Mage-Warden, James Amell, and the Templar-Champion of Kirkwall, Delia Hawke, were my heroes from the first two games.

James being the generally good and caring hero, tried to help everyone he could no matter who they were. He tried to change everyone’s opinion of mages by never resorting to blood magic, never consorting with demons and by being a good person. He loved Morrigan, let Loghain live, put Allistair and Anora on the throne and participated in Morrigan’s ritual.

Delia always resented her apostate mage father and sister for troubling their family. After reaching Kirkwall, she strived to make a name for her family. Although she was generally aggressive against mages, she did have a strong sense of justice. She would always give mages the option of going to the circle before killing them, unless they proved to be a blood mage. Her romance with Fenris and Anders’ terrorist attack on the Chantry fueled her resentment and rage toward mages. She realized that mages ultimately cannot be trusted and even allowed Meredith to kill her sister.
Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Qun (The religious/political/social doctrine of the Qunari) demands that mages adhere to an extremely strict code, ultimately making them slaves. Qunta is thankful that he lives outside of the Qun, even if his life is that of a basic Qunari mercenary. He has faced deep hatred on all fronts because of his race and his magic. His mercenary background has left him ignorant of the cultures and politics of the other races, however he does believe every person, mage included, should have a chance at living their own life.
These are the heroes who have, and will, shape my Dragon Age world. At least, my first world. I still have plenty of other Wardens and Hawkes that I can import to Inquisition! Even if the endings of Inquisition aren’t really dependent on the choices I’ve made throughout the series (this is where I add a snarky comment about Mass Effect 3), I still lived through those moments and that’s real enough for me.
What will your Dragon Age world be like?