Firefall Crawl: Blackwater Anomaly

Last night’s Firefall Crawl was an Adventure in Babysitting for the Firefall community support group, FFANZ.

I was invited to go on a BWA tour with them. If you play Firefall already, you hear BWA and instantly think of a challenging ride through Chosen territory. If you have not played Firefall yet, BWA stands for Blackwater Anomaly, designed as a small squad instanced area full of action from the time your jumpjets hit the ground.

FFANZ is not an army but a collection of armies and individual players within the community. The hook for me in any MMO title is the community. What are they like? Do they endorse each other, support events and keep feedback objective even when frustrated? I invest my own time and energy where that is evident. I’m not a fan of the reverse either, where any negative comment is met with fanboi rage. FFANZ strikes the balance for me as you’ll see in our hour run through BWA last night.

Kream took charge of our squad and made sure I was able to take my time and experience each wave as we ventured further. There are loot crates and 5 SIN (Shared Information Network) to discover in each area that lead to later rewards after multiple missions. Many players like to do a speed run of getting through BWA in a matter of minutes. I’m thankful Kream and the rest of the squad gave me the proper tour to share with our viewers.

Check out the video and then check out Firefall for a truly amazing F2P experience for those who enjoy a first person shooter, sandbox style, MMO.

*edited army for squad. Thank you, Kream!