Huge Destiny Update!… And some Sparrow Shredding

Today, Destiny‘s servers were hit with a hefty update, bringing a wide array of changes to the game that give justification to the hours players are still putting in. Here are some of the highlights.


Iron Banner 2.0

The first Iron Banner brought excitement only in concept, but failed to deliver the high octane gameplay many of us were anticipating. In an effort to address this, Bungie has stated that in the upcoming Iron Banner, players armor and weaponry will have a much larger effect on their gameplay, kills, and survivability. Low level players will not even be able to enter without a level 20 chaperon on their fire team.

Combatants will be able to fight for new rep gear, even having the option to reforge older gear and attain new perks. While the strongest will prosper in the new Iron Banner, quitters will not, as measures have been put in place to avert frequent quitters from leaving an ill fated match.


Starting today, November 17th, Destiny will finally feature voice chat in the crucible. While this is a feature than EVERY modern game should ALREADY have, it is a display of Bungie’s willingness to deliver.

Other Odds and Ends

Class tweaks, mainly crucible glitches have been addresses with the hunter’s blink strike. New shaders are available for purchase on the tower, along with the ability to finally preview them! Players can also hold more bounties so now you have even more repetitive gameplay to sort of kind of enjoy all at once!

A Tease?

At the end of Bungie’s last update post, they teased Destiny fans with an image of what seems to be a Titan performing  a trick on a Sparrow. The vague wording seems to be hinting towards some further development of the very nimble player mount we have all been zooming about on.

In anticipation of the possible new Sparrows and abilities the Noobist brings you, Destiny Pro Skater, a la old school Tony Hawk skate vids! Queue the rock music and corny outdated effects!