The Women of Gaming Who Could Kick Your Ass!

Ever since the first pixel moved across our screens, gaming has grown exponentially, bringing newer and more badass characters into our homes. At times, when we think of some of the most iconic gaming characters, we think of men. Over the years, some pretty fearless females have come to the fore, and they are definitely characters who you would NOT want to cross. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, from different backgrounds and worlds. From intergalactic bounty hunters, to zombie slayers, legendary heroines come in all shapes and sizes.

Some have made their way onto this list because of their proven skill on the battlefield, others for their perseverance in the face of adversity. A few of these beloved characters will be blazing across your screens again soon, others have been shelved along with your past gen consoles, but their exploits have not been forgotten. To be fair, it is kept to one character per franchise. In no particular order, here are the Top 10 female video game characters that could kick your ass!

Lara Croft – Tomb Raider


This dual pistol wielding British lady has been re-imagined and rebooted over the years. In her latest installment into the series “Tomb Raider” we saw her turn from a young woman, unsure of herself, to a fierce fighter. In her latest adventure we see her fighting pirates, wolves, crazed cult members, and even mythical beasts. I wouldn’t want to get her mad, especially if she happened to be wielding her dual pistols or even a bow! Keep an eye out for her next title coming to Xbox One soon!

Chun Li – Street Fighter

As an original in the Street Fighter franchise, Chun Li has been kicking asses and taking names longer than many current gamers have been alive. She is an Interpol officer and master martial artist. Her mind is as sharp and dangerous as her fists of fury, and she isn’t afraid to use either of them. When she isn’t protecting the innocent, she is hunting down her father’s killer, M. Bison. With her strength and skill as a fighter, I would hate to be Bison when she finally gets her revenge.

Samus Aran – Metroid


Another gaming O.G. is the intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran. Gamers spend most of their time earning back her abilities in-game, proving she doesn’t just rely on her suit to whoop some alien ass. Even though the latest Metroid iterations haven’t done her too much justice, she will always hold a place among the most badass ladies of gaming. After being constantly attacked by alien creatures, and even viruses, Samus has not lost any spring in her step.

Sniper Wolf – Metal Gear

One of the deadliest shots in video game history, she could hit you between the eyes without even trying. According to game lore, she was capable of scouting her targets over long periods of time, staying completely still without even stopping to eat. And even on the off chance her shot wasn’t a lethal hit, her bullets were Mercury, you’re dead anyway. Aside from being a constant thorn in Snake’s side, she also brings one of the most annoying bossfights in gaming to the table.

Anya Stroud – Gears of War

Players first knew Anya as the supplier of steady intel for Delta Squad, but in the later iterations of Gears of War she became much more than that. Stepping out of the shadow of her mother, Major Helena Stroud, Anya has proven herself on the battlefield time and time again, killing more than her fair share of Locust scum. She also served in multiple wars alongside other beloved characters from the Gears series. I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side, she might deploy a lightmass bomb on your ass!

Faith – Mirror’s Edge

With freerunning skills that would put Etzio to shame, Faith secures a strong spot among these amazing women. Fearlessly charging both into, and away from danger, Faith is a formidable foe who can dispatch groups of armed officers in seconds before blazing away once again. A sense of unshakable loyalty leads her to solving a murder that incriminates her sister, and uncovers a dastardly government plot. Don’t piss her off, there’d be nowhere to run.

Ellie – The Last of Us

One of the youngest members of this group, Ellie proves herself time and time again. A star of the critically acclaimed The Last of Us, this young woman proves that a strong male lead isn’t enough to survive the apocalypse. Each time Ellie saves your life, or makes players crack a smile at her sailor’s mouth, you can’t help but think “that’s Ellie”. For an unflinching sense of courage, deadly skills with a knife, and awesome personality, Ellie is one character I wouldn’t want to mess with.

Elizabeth – Bioshock Infinite

Aside from being able to tear the fabric of space and time itself, Elizabeth proved to be the perfect in-game companion. Elizabeth provides expert battlefield aid, throwing Booker De Witt items and ammunition. She is also never in the way, and players never feel like they are babysitting. Instead she holds her own and brings her supernatural powers to the table. By the end of the game, you get a sense that she didn’t need Booker at all.


Clementine – The Walking Dead

If there is ever a list for “strongest stomachs in gaming” Clementine will top it. But today we honor the most badass women in gaming, and this youngster definitely fits the mold. Clementine can hit a walker between the eyes from feet away, hold her own with an axe, and stitch a wound using her teeth and no anesthetics. She isn’t only physically strong for such a young child, she also has the mental fortitude to watch everyone she loves die, and comes through on the other side. With all the dead flesh she must have smelled along her zombie ridden travels, she is probably tougher than any of us.

Commander Shepherd – Mass Effect

Known to many as “FemShep” since Shepherd can technically be male or female depending on each player’s choice, this savior of the entire universe may well be the most badass gaming character of all time. Not only does FemShep foil a corrupt intergalactic black ops agent, she saves the universe from a deadly ancient race of genocidal aliens known as The Reapers. Much is asked of her along the way, and at every call, she answers with unmatched bravery. Don’t end up at the end of her blaster, just don’t.