In this week’s Game of Thrones episode “Oathbreaker” our beloved boy is back! I am going to be an absolute girl for a second because we have to note what an incredible back Kit Harington has. Please see below for reference:

The Lord Commander has arisen and he has finally killed Olly. In all honesty, I was so happy they really could’ve had a Dothraki choreographed song and dance routine for the remainder of the episode and I wouldn’t have been too miffed.
It is a true testament to the writers that we go from the emotionally charged reactions to Jon’s revival by Davos and Melisandre to Tormund making a small pecker joke. My, what a beautiful bromance these two have.
We also see a change in Jon’s attitude. The conspiracy of his men to kill him has altered how he views things (well, duh) and the episode ends with Jon walking out and forsaking the Lord Commander position. What’s next? I have a feeling and it has something to do with Winterfell. But I will get to that later.
Ramsay’s Club of Troubled Youth
Now, as I conjectured, Rickon and Osha were the gifts that the Umbers bestowed upon Ramsay in order to be in his good graces. He is also offered the head of Shaggydog as proof that the young boy is indeed Rickon Stark. That being said, I believe the gesture to be a farce. Smalljon Umber is very particular about not kneeling. He makes his excuses, but I think his gesture of good will is a tactic. For one, the head presented to Ramsay is not large enough to be Shaggydog. If we compare the size of that skull to Ghost it seems significantly smaller.
The Mannis
This leads me to another offshoot prediction-wise, and that has to do with the fate of Stannis. Now, HBO is not known for shirking from demonstrations of violence, so I am hard pressed to find why the scene of his “death” wouldn’t show him actually being cut by Brienne. I mean, the episode is called “Mother’s Mercy.” I think the memory of Catelyn Stark stayed Brienne’s hand, as she seeks to make things right for the Starks before seeking her own retribution. The last words Stannis selects are, “do your duty.” Brienne’s face perceptibly changes at these words—I think, as she realizes her primary duty is to Catelyn’s children rather than dead Baratheon princes. I believe that Brienne’s intention is to seat Sansa at Winterfell. To claim it, however, would require a large army. Despite her past and her anger, I believe Brienne realizes that the best person to rally the Northern lords against Ramsay is someone like Stannis.
With the Umbers in Ramsay’s good graces (and conveniently inside the castle), Stannis amassing a large Northern army, and ex-Lord Commander Jon marching on Winterfell with a host of wildlings, this might be the most epic fight yet. I cannot be the only one who wants to see Wun Wun barreling into the walls of Winterfell and crushing more people.

Bran & Bloodraven
The high point by far was the almost Tower of Joy. Really, this can go down in history as the biggest cinematic cock block of all time. We are oh, so close to discovering what lies within, and why so much secrecy and protection. Nice try, Bran, but we really should’ve known it wouldn’t be so easy.
What we do get to see is the legendary Arthur Dayne, and his incredible fighting in a match that did not go down as was told. It seems Ned Stark has a number of regrets that are still coming to light about the rebellion. We also finally meet Jojen and Meera’s father, Howland Reed, who is still AWOL in the present day plot-line. There is a theory circulating that he is the High Septon as a disguise to help overthrow the Lannisters in King’s Landing, given the similarity of the character’s physical descriptions in the novels. I guess we have to wait and see on that.
A Girl With No Name (JK, it’s Matt Murdoch)
In other news, Arya has her sight back! I am excited to get to when she is actually send out to assassinate individuals. There is also a lot of guessing about who she might be sent out to kill, and what main characters it might be. It would be interesting to see if she is commissioned to murder someone in her own family, and whether her true self will come out. I personally believe that as long as she has Needle, she has attachment, and cannot fully embrace being No One.
There is much still up in the air, and many bets to be settled. If this season continues how it began, I fail to see how we will be disappointed, especially given that this is the second episode with no Sand Snakes. And I will gladly drink to that.