I believe I speak for a great many people in calling “Home” the most epic second episode in Game of Thrones history. I also believe I speak for many in saying that the utter lack of Sand Snakes is not a coincidence. I’d like to break it down, storyline by storyline, and discuss implications for the future.
At the episode’s start, we get a rare flashback to young Ned Stark, the highly missed Benjen, and the legendary Lyanna. Between the Stark trio and our discovery that Hodor once spoke and was named Wylis, we didn’t want to leave either, Bran. I also think it is intentional that young Ned was so helpful with young Benjen when it came to fighting tips. This is highly reminiscent of Jon and Sam at the Wall.

The scene makes me quite excited for future episodes as well. Episode 3 is called “Oathbreaker”. If we continue with the flashback trend, this means the next episode might contain the much anticipated Tower of Joy, and a broken promise to reveal the true parentage of a certain someone, perhaps? A girl can dream…(as long as she still has no name.)
Holy shit, Ramsay–killing your father, step-mother, and newborn half-brother within the span of a day definitely wins in terms of productivity. How poetic it is that Roose Bolton died the same way Robb did: his wife and child murdered, and in close proximity by a dagger to the chest (revenge sends its regards). Iwan Rheon has cemented his acting chops, if with nothing else then with this chilling look he shot the maester for daring to contradict him:
Certain hints from “Home” and the preview from “Oathbreaker” have led me to a chilling prediction. When Ramsay was speaking to his father, he mentions that the houses of Karstark, Manderley and Bolton are loyal to the Boltons. When we last saw Osha and Rickon, they were headed to the Last Hearth to seek aid from House Umber. The next episode shows someone coming to Ramsay and offering a present, and the season 6 trailer shows bodies burning on characteristic, Bolton X-shaped crosses. If my fears are correct, this might include Rickon and Osha.
The action at the wall culminated in two incidents: the stand-off between the Night’s Watchmen and the wildlings, and Jon Snow’s Revival. With the former, the highlist was the complete pulverization of the man who will henceforth be known as “complete moron with a crossbow” by a pissed-off Wun Wun.
And finally, after much ado, after many tantalizing and over-the-top camera angles, after many disgruntled characters with their dramatic exits, the Prince that was Promised returned to life. I would argue that it’s not the ritual and the incantations, but rather Melisandre’s utterance of “please” when she had lost all hope. The only other character that we know to have revived another person was Thoros of Myr, who revealed that he had lost his faith entirely when he tried to save Beric Dondarrion. The entire scene was beautifully shot, keeping Jon in shades of blue, while Melisandre is entirely drenched in red.
Either way, Jon Snow is back, and this means we may finally get to see what has been affectionately dubbed, “Bastardbowl”. I cannot wait for Jon Snow to fight Ramsay, for Ghost to show up his crummy, little hounds, and for the splendid Thormund to kill anybody, really (I just like watching him move).
Aside from the above, there are many things I was glad to finally get to witness ever since I read A Dance With Dragons years ago:
One, Tyrion interacting with the dragons. Our favorite drunk who “knows things” is flexing his prowess once more. He successfully unshackles the dragons and while I do not believe this scene alone confirms Tyrion as a secret Targ, there are many hints that he might be.
In Dance with Dragons, a plague of sorts befalls Mereen before Dany leaves with Drogon. While she spends much time with the sick, Dany never contracts anything. She mentions in the novel that Targs are more resistant to illnesses than the average person. The show also makes a point of pointing out to us that while Jorah got greyscale, Tyrion seems perfectly fine.
Tyrion and Tywin’s Relationship
It has never made much sense that Tywin hates his son merely for being a dwarf. But if he was another man’s son, however, this would better explain their rapport. While Tywin was Hand for Aerys, it was commonly known that Aerys had a thing for Tywin’s wife, Joanna. In fact, Tywin tried to resign as Hand of the King after he and Joanna attended the King’s Tourney in 272AC, less than a year before Tyrion was born. That hardly seems to be a coincidence. There is a quote by Tywin to Tyrion in which he tells him, “Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine”. This is an interesting choice of words, and one that would make sense if he believed Aerys was Tyrion’s true father. The truth remains to be seen in this regard.
Two, Balon Greyjoy dying (and the promise of impending Kingsmoot.) The last of the five kings has finally died, and by his younger brother Euron’s hand, no less. Although the show has not yet defined the process of Kingsmoot, it is when all captains may contend for the Iron Island throne. Given that Yara has expressed her interest, and Euron’s fratricide, we can only guess what other exciting candidates turn up.
Three, Zombie Knight bashing people’s heads in. I believe that Cersei is one tragedy away from breaking down completely, and shedding this cool composure she has recently acquired. Perhaps Tommen’s death will do this for her. In her rage, I see her ordering Qyburn to procure more wildfire and trying to burn down King’s Landing. Jaime will once more be faced with the tough decision to kill one person, and in this case the woman he loves, in order to save a whole city. As such, her story will end as Maggy the fortune-teller predicted, with the valonqar’s (her little brother’s) golden hand around her neck. It has been mentioned, and through no coincidence, I believe, that Jaime was born after her.
All in all, it was a great episode. If I had a very serious gripe, it was the Olly is still alive. But I guess that honor should really be saved for Jon.