Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor – Review

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor has been widely regarded for it’s similarities to the Assassin’s Creed and Arkham franchises and whilst that is not totally wrong. Shadow Of Mordor has a lot to offer.

You control Talion, a ranger from Gondor who was killed and brought back to ‘life’ by an ancient elf Celebrimbor. After a few brief tutorials – which will teach you how to stealth kill by creeping up behind your unsuspecting wife and stealth kissing her – you will quickly be plunged into the open world of Mordor.


The story in Shadow Of Mordor whilst acceptable, isn’t the greatest. there is a very clear direction in which the narrative is taking you and it unfortunately let down but a heavily scripted ending. There are also a few moments that are direct shout outs to The Lord Of The Rings, simply because they can. Shouting “fly you fools” isn’t really necessary and neither was including Gollum. Gollum was however very well voiced to the point where I had to search on IMDB to see if it was really Andy Serkis, It’s not.



The core gameplay of Shadow Of Mordor is near perfect. the combat controls are slick and each kill more brutal than the last – if it wasn’t Uruk’s you were killing you would likely feel bad for the gruesome gory death’s you cause – whilst the climbing mechanics aren’t quite on the level of the aforementioned Assassin’s Creed, but they serve their purpose.

The Nemesis system is the reason why Shadow Of Mordor is a must play. This system procedurally generates Uruk’s and gives them all names, strengths and weaknesses. This allows you to plan and execute any of the targets by exploiting their fears and avoiding putting yourself in danger of their strengths. arguably Shadow Of Mordor does assassinations better than any other game.


Shagflak Graug Slayer was my nemesis. First time in combat with no information, I go for the quick arrow to the head to be greeted with a sign “immune to ranged attacks” I managed to shoot the nearby campfire setting him ablaze in the process. He was scared of burning – a reasonable fear for anyone if you ask me – what i didn’t know is that he was very fast. he quickly escapes me and I move on, go off hunting some more Uruk’s. Midway through my rampage I’m greeted by a cutscene “Ranger, you won’t get away with what you did to me” Shagflak is back. He’s covered in bandages from the severe burning and he wants his revenge. due to the sheer number of enemies I decided to flee. but it was too late. I was killed. shot in the back by Shagflak himself. As time passes i see Shagflak getting his promotion. moving up to a legendary captain. this time I plan my assault, I sneak into Shagflak’s tent, stealth kill from behind. or so I thought. I was thrown off, “I remember killing you Ranger” he scoffs at me. we engage in battle for the last time. ending when i abruptly shove my blade directly through his face. Shagflak is no more.

These story’s are plentiful thanks to the nemesis system and often caused me to forget about the story and create my own personal vendetta’s against Mordor’s strongest and ugliest.