For an incredibly long time, fans of our favourite Canadian mercenary Deadpool, and our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, have been crying out for a proper, no holds barred, two-thirds-of-Team-Red, team-up. And finally, our cries have been answered! What every Spideypool fan has been waiting for — enter stage right: Spider-Man/Deadpool #1.

Okay, for what the title may lack in finesse, it certainly makes up for with its body’s substance. Or as Deadpool would put it, “‘its body be bangin’!”
Sure, we’ve had mini team-ups before, like in Deadpool Annual #2 (2013) where the merc-with-the-mouth dons Spidey’s suit and does a little ass whooping as Spider-Man dodges bullets and takes a little nap. And who could forget the amazing episode of Ultimate Spider Man entitled Ultimate Deadpool, where Wade tells us many conflicting origin stories and runs rings around Taskmaster as Peter sighs and wonders where his life went wrong.

But this team-up is unlike anything we’ve had before.

Opening on ahem…what seems at first to be a private moment between the pair, we instantly get a feel (and so does Deadpool) just where the humour and narrative is going to go in this series. The crimson-clad vigilantes have always had similar senses of humour and a natural chemistry, and that is shown here, their witty and fast-paced barbs flowing from page to page, garnering chuckles and eye-rolls along the way.
Accompanied by this unconventional partnership rife with references and one-liners, also lies a deeper and more intricate plot to keep the readers guessing and waiting on tenterhooks as it slowly unfolds month by month. It delves into not only hero and anti-hero alike, but also their alter-egos, Peter’s struggle with finding balance between his vigilante-life and his CEO-life, and Wade’s not-so-subtle desire for the validity and respect that he has yet to find.
This series could not have come at a better time for Spideypool fans. With the recently released Deadpool film (2016) and Spider-Man’s upcoming cameo in Captain America: Civil War (2016), for this dynamic duo to also share comic space is just icing on the cake that is already layered with intrigue and hilarity.
With all this and more in mind, readers have a lot to look forward to.